
How Much Money Can You Save With A Marijuanas Card

Weed in America State by State Purchase Limits
Photo by: Aleynikov Pavel/Shutterstock

With almost all of the U.South. operating some form of medical marijuana programme, and 10 states assuasive for developed apply, differences betwixt land medical and recreational marijuana programs are abundant, confusing, and don't always make sense. Some states are extremely strict with their programs (we see you, Utah) and some are more relaxed (nosotros love y'all, Oklahoma). If you're ever asked yourself, "How much weed can I buy?" This country-by-state guide can help you discover some answers!


Alaska has passed both medical and recreational marijuana laws, in 1998 and 2014 respectively. Under these two legal mechanisms, dispensaries may sell limited amounts of cannabis to both medical cardholders and consumers. Medical marijuana cardholders, their registered caregiver, and recreational weed consumers all share the aforementioned purchase limit: a quantity of one ounce (28 grams) per transaction.


Arizona passed their medical marijuana programme in late 2010, allowing medical consumers with certain health weather across the state access to alternative medicine where federally approved medicines or treatments take failed. Medical consumers are eligible to purchase as much as 2.5 ounces (70 grams) every xiv day s. Whether purchased in full during one transaction or in several smaller purchases, this finer caps monthly purchasing at 5 ounces.

Despite several attempts, Arizona voters have yet to legalize recreational marijuana.


Voters in Arkansas passed medical marijuana laws in 2016. While the country has yet to fully implement the manufacture, regulations have set purchasing limits for medical consumers at 2.5 ounces of marijuana blossom every ii week s, setting, like Arizona, a monthly total of 5 ounces.


California kicked off the medical marijuana industry as the first country to pass such legislation in 1996. Voters beyond the state again threw back up towards cannabis law reforms in 2016, legalizing the institute for all adults 21 and older. Though lawmakers in the state are expected to implement farther regulations on product testing, licensing, or public safety concerns (which may possibly include stricter controls on consumers' marijuana supply), medical marijuana cardholders�tin can purchase up to eight ounces of fresh marijuana per twenty-four hours. Eight OUNCES!!!

Recreational customers are, conversely, limited to purchasing as much as 1 ounce per 24-hour interval.


Colorado has both medical and recreational laws inside the state constitution, voted on in 2000 and 2012 respectively. Medical marijuana cardholders�may purchase as much as two ounces per 24-hour interval, while recreational consumers have weed purchase limits divers past product category.

Recreational consumers in Colorado can buy weed in the following amounts:

  • Up to one ounce of bloom
  • Upwards to eight grams of concentrate
  • Up to 800 mg of edible marijuana products


As of 2017, Connecticut has merely a medical marijuana plan in place. Medical consumers are allowed no more than ii.five ounces (lxx grams) in any 30-day period. Medical consumers can receive less than this total at the dr.'s request, but never more.


Delaware began their journey with medical marijuana in 2011. Medical consumers in the Delaware medical marijuana program can purchase weed up to vi ounces per month. This total, however, can just be reached at a rate of three ounces every two weeks.


Florida has taken a very narrow approach to allowing the medical use of marijuana within land borders, starting start with a CBD programme for a specific blazon of seizure disorder and full-force, THC-filled cannabis for Only the terminally sick in 2014. In 2016, voters in the state chose to expand the program to include more than weather condition, among other changes. Amendment 2, the beak expanding the medical marijuana program, permits:

"the corporeality of marijuana that could reasonably exist presumed to be an adequate supply for qualifying patient's medical apply, based on the best bachelor evidence. This presumption every bit to quantity may exist overcome with evidence of a item qualifying patient's appropriate medical use."

This has been determined to mean a 45-24-hour interval supply, at most. The physician is the individual who determines the dose, so this corporeality depends on the individual and their condition.


Hawaii joined the full Pacific Declension of the U.S. in legalizing medical marijuana by 2000. Under the police, medical consumers can buy as much as four ounces of weed every 15 days.


The Illinois State Legislature, rather than land residents, voted on (and passed) medical marijuana laws in 2013. Under the "Empathetic Use of Medical Cannabis" program, medical consumers are able to buy weed upward to 2.5 ounces every two weeks, roughly a total of 5 ounces a month.


Residents of Maine accept voted for both medical and recreational cannabis laws, passing in 1999 and 2016 respectively. Medical consumers operating under Maine's medical marijuana program equally well as recreational marijuana consumers can buy marijuana up to ii.5 ounces and upward to three mature marijuana plants.�Medical consumers are limited to five ounces per month unless their md authorizes more.


Maryland passed medical marijuana laws in 2011, yet the first dispensaries didn't open until December of 2017. The corporeality of marijuana a cardholder can buy at in one case and possess is upwardly to the healthcare professional who canonical the private.


Massachusetts has both medical and recreational cannabis laws, and the recreational program is up and running as of the end of 2018. Medical consumers can buy up to 10 ounces every two months. In dissimilarity, recreational consumers will exist able to buy weed up to one ounce OR as much as five grams of marijuana concentrates.


Michigan's�medical marijuana community is one of the largest in the U.Due south., and now, their recreational industry is growing chop-chop likewise. Medical consumers in Michigan tin buy weed up to two.v ounces. The state has farther drawn equivalencies based on product form. They are as follows.

In Michigan, o ne ounce of marijuana flower is equal to:

  • 16 ounces of cannabis-infused products in solid form (such equally cannabutter)
  • 7 grams of extracted cannabis product in a gaseous form (presumably a form used in a vaporizer)
  • 36 fluid ounces of cannabis-infused product in a liquid grade (such every bit an oil)

For recreational consumers, the limits are:

  • ii.v ounces or less of marijuana, except that non more than fifteen grams of marijuana may exist in the class of marijuana concentrate;
  • Inside a person's residence, a person can possess, store, or process more than 10 ounces of marijuana,
  • and no more than than 12 marijuana plants for personal employ


Minnesota began their journey with medical cannabis in May 2014. Under the Minnesota Medical Marijuana Program, medical consumers are required to have a consultation with a pharmacist afterwards receiving approval to bring together the medical program from a physician. During the consult, the pharmacist will make up one's mind an acceptable volume of cannabis products to care for the individual for 30 days on an individual basis.

In other words: Minnesota has no predetermined purchase limits.


Missouri only passed medical marijuana laws in late 2018, so in that location are no dispensaries open yet in the country. Once the program is functional, medical cardholders will be allowed to grow 6 flowering plants in their homes; buy four ounces of dried marijuana or equivalent; and possess not less than a 60-day supply of dried marijuana or equivalent.


Montana has oscillated back and forth on the issue of medical marijuana, allowing the manufacture to grow, then compress, be lobbied to change, and reach voter support. The passage of laws supporting the growth of the statewide medical marijuana in 2016 allow medical cardholders to possess the post-obit:

  • 1 (ane) ounce of marijuana flower OR
  • 8 (8) grams of marijuana concentrate OR
  • 800 mg of THC in marijuana infused products or edibles OR
  • Sixteen (sixteen) .5 ml vape cartridges OR
  • Eight (8) 1 ml vape cartridges


Nevada passed their medical marijuana program in 1998. In 2016, recreational cannabis laws followed. Today, the state boasts a robust cannabis industry. Under the laws, medical marijuana cardholders can buy every bit much as five ounces per month, so long as purchases are limited to 2.5 ounces every two week period.

Recreational consumers are limited to buying weed up to ane ounce. Nevada has further defined production equivalencies for recreational weed consumers, limiting concentrate purchasing to three.5 grams.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire currently has only a medical marijuana program. Under country laws, medical marijuana cardholders possessing a valid state registration tin can buy weed up to two ounces of marijuana flower in any 10-day period, providing a total of six ounces per month if needed.

New Jersey

New Jersey legalized the medical use of marijuana in 2010, though the programme remains one of the most heavily scrutinized by land agencies. Cardholders registered with the medical marijuana program are first evaluated by their physician, who will then send an order to the dispensing location for the total dosage a cardholder may purchase in a 30-day flow. The physician order cannot exceed two ounces per month.

New Mexico

New United mexican states has had medical marijuana laws on the books for a decade, spurring a robust consumer and grower community across the state. Medical consumers tin can, under state law, buy weed up to 230 units of marijuana in whatsoever xc-twenty-four hours period.

So what are "units" of marijuana?

Weed Scale How Much by Weight
Photo past: Blablo 101/Shutterstock

In New Mexico, a unit is equal to one gram of marijuana flower or 0.2 grams of marijuana concentrates. Under this guideline, medical consumers can buy but over two.7 ounces of bloom or 15 grams of marijuana concentrate per calendar month.

New York

New York passed the "Compassionate Care Human action" in 2014, providing a legal pathway to an alternative treatment to those who need it. The programme requires the authorizing medical professional person (physician or nurse practitioner) to determine a xxx-day supply for each consumer on an individual footing. How much weed you can purchase, therefore, is dependent on the condition and symptoms you feel.

Northward Dakota

Voters backed the initiative to legalize medical marijuana usage in 2016. At the time of writing, the programme is nevertheless to be fully operational. When it is, medical consumers volition be able to purchase up to ii.five ounces of flower in any 30-day flow and 2,000mg total of other marijuana products. Edibles are non allowed.


Lawmakers in Ohio passed medical marijuana legislation in September 2016. The state has i of the most regimented controls on medical cannabis purchasing in the U.Southward, and subsequently years of back and along, the first dispensaries opened in January 2019. Nether the state medical marijuana program, every ninety days a non-terminal�individual can buy weed in the following amounts:

  • Up to 8 ounces of tier I medical cannabis
  • Up to five.3 ounces of tier II medical cannabis
  • Upwards to 26.55 grams of THC content (totaling 26,550 mg of THC) in patches, lotions, creams, and other topical forms
  • Up to 9.9 grams (ix,900 mg) of THC from cannabis oil, tincture, capsules, and other edible forms
  • Up to 53.1 grams (53,100 mg) of THC in oil for vaporization

Individuals with terminal diseases or illness, under Ohio's medical marijuana program, are given the following limits on their purchasing over 90 days:

  • Up to 10 ounces of tier I medical cannabis
  • Up to 6.6 ounces of tier Ii medical cannabis
  • Up to 33.three grams (33,300 mg) of THC in patches, lotions, creams, etc.
  • Up to xi.vii grams (xi,700 mg) of THC in oils, tinctures, capsules, and edibles
  • Up to 65.7 grams (65,700 mg) of THC in cannabis oils for vaporization

Tier I marijuana is divers as medical cannabis testing at or below 23% THC while tier 2 medical cannabis tests in a higher place 23% just not more than than 35%.


Oklahoma's medical program rolled out chop-chop after the measure passed.�Dispensaries opened in tardily 2018, and the program is extremely successful and then far. Medical consumers can� possess:

  • iii ounces of marijuana�on their person, and at their residence, may possess:
  • vi mature marijuana plants,
  • 6 seedling plants,
  • ane ounce of concentrates,
  • 72 ounces of edible marijuana,
  • 8 ounces of marijuana


Oregon commencement passed medical marijuana laws in 1998, followed by recreational marijuana laws in 2014. Cardholders registered with the Oregon medical marijuana program tin can purchase weed upwardly to the following limits:

  • 24 ounces of usable marijuana;
  • 16 ounces of a medical cannabinoid product in solid form;
  • 72 ounces of a medical cannabinoid product in liquid form;
  • sixteen ounces of a cannabinoid concentrate whether sold alone or contained in an inhalant�delivery system;
  • V grams of a cannabinoid extract whether sold alone or contained in an inhalant commitment arrangement;
  • 4 immature marijuana plants; and
  • fifty seeds.

Recreational consumers are legally spring to unlike limits than medical patients. Take a expect:

  • One ounce of usable marijuana in a public place;
  • Eight ounces of usable marijuana;
  • 16 ounces of cannabinoid product in solid form;
  • 72 ounces of cannabinoid production in liquid grade;
  • Five grams of cannabinoid extracts or concentrates, whether sold alone or contained in an inhalant delivery system;
  • Four marijuana plants; and
  • Ten marijuana seeds.


Pennsylvania has legalized the medical use of marijuana, and the program was operational by February 2018. While they don't have specific possession limits like other states, they exercise land that the recommending dr. is the one who determines the volume of medical marijuana necessary to supply a patient for thirty days.

Rhode Island

Rhode Isle passed laws in 2006 making the medical use of marijuana legal under sure conditions. Their programme is fully operational, allowing medical cardholders to buy weed upwardly to 2.5 ounces of marijuana in whatsoever xxx-day period.


Later a lot of back and forth, Utah finalized their medical marijuana laws in belatedly 2018. Under Utah'southward strict medical marijuana plan, medical cardholders can possess:

  • 113 grams of unprocessed cannabis;�or
  • An corporeality of cannabis product that contains 20 grams of total composite THC


Vermont has legalized recreational marijuana merely lawmakers accept yet to set a taxation system for the sale of recreational marijuana. The country does have over a decade of medical marijuana laws, which began in 2004. Medical cardholders registered with the Vermont medical marijuana program tin can purchase as much as 2 ounces in any 30-day period.


In 1998 and 2012 respectively, Washington passed medical and recreational cannabis laws. Today, much of the medical marijuana programme has been streamlined into the regulatory framework congenital to govern the recreational industry. Nonetheless, differences betwixt the two program still exist. If you're a recreational consumer, 21 or older, y'all can possess:

  • One ounce of usable marijuana
  • Sixteen�ounces of marijuana-infused production in solid form
  • Seventy-two ounces of marijuana-infused production in liquid form, or
  • Seven grams of marijuana concentrate

Qualified medical cardholders registered in the country of Washington can accept:

  • Up to three ounces of marijuana flower
  • Up to 48 ounces of marijuana-infused products in solid grade
  • Up to 216 ounces of infused marijuana product in liquid form
  • Upwardly to 21 grams of marijuana concentrates

Washington, D .C.

Washington, D.C. has both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana laws. The medical marijuana plan began in 2010, though it was originally proposed in 1998. The recreational marijuana laws create a legal framework where adults 21 and over can possess, grow, and use marijuana legally, but did non include a mechanism to sell cannabis legally.

Recreational consumers are limited to possessing:

  • Possess two ounces or less of marijuana;
  • Transfer one ounce or less of marijuana to some other person who is at least 21 years old, so long as in that location is no payment fabricated or any other type of commutation of appurtenances or services;
  • Cultivate within their residence upwards to 6 marijuana plants, no more iii of which are mature;

Medical marijuana patients in Washington D.C. can buy weed up to two ounces in a 30-twenty-four hour period menstruum.

W Virginia

West Virginia lawmakers approved a medical marijuana programme in 2017 simply are non expecting the program to be up and running until mid-2019 at the primeval. They have not outlined possession limits for cardholders.


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